Grew • Command Line Interface

The command used to run Grew is: grew <subcommand> [<args>]

The 5 main subcommands are:

Other subcommands:

There are two modes of input data: Mono corpus or Multi corpora. See here for more details about input formats.

The table below shows what are the accepted input modes for the main subcommands.

transform grep count compile clean
Mono ✅ (🆕 in 1.10)
Multi ✅ (🆕 in 1.10)

The table below shows what are the ouptut mode modes for the 3 main subcommands (compile and clean does not have any output).

CLI arg transform grep count
CoNLL-U ✅ (default)
JSON -json ✅ (default) ✅ (default)
CoNLL-X -cupt / -semcor / -columns …
DOT -dot
multi JSON -multi_json
TSV -tsv ✅ (in some cases)


In this mode, Grew apply a Graph Rewriting System to a graph or a set of graphs.

The full command for this mode:

grew transform [<args>]

All arguments are optional:


This mode corresponds to the command line version of the Grew-match tool. Clustering is also available 🔗 in the grep mode.

Without clustering

The command is:

grew grep -request <request_file> -i <input>


The output is given in JSON format.

Example with Mono input

With the following files:

pattern { e: X -[dislocated]-> Y }

NB: the fact the edge from X to Y is given an identifier e will give the information about this edge in the output (see below).

The command:

grew grep -request dislocated.req -i fr_pud-ud-test.conllu

produces the following JSON output:

    "sent_id": "n01121051",
    "matching": {
      "nodes": { "Y": "11", "X": "2" },
      "edges": {
        "e": { "source": "2", "label": "dislocated", "target": "11" }
    "sent_id": "n01086031",
    "matching": {
      "nodes": { "Y": "5", "X": "1" },
      "edges": {
        "e": { "source": "1", "label": "dislocated", "target": "5" }
    "sent_id": "n01001011",
    "matching": {
      "nodes": { "Y": "20", "X": "29" },
      "edges": {
        "e": { "source": "29", "label": "dislocated", "target": "20" }

This means that the request described in the file dislocated.req has been found three times in the corpus, each item giving the sentence identifier and the position of the nodes and the edges matched by the request.

Note that there are two other options:

Example with Multi input

With the Mutli mode data described in the example file en_fr_zh.json 🔗 (which must be compiled with grew compile -i en_fr_zh.json)

{ "corpora": [
  { "id": "UD_English-PUD",
    "directory": "_build",
    "files": ["en_pud-ud-test.conllu"]
  { "id": "UD_French-PUD",
    "directory": "_build",
    "files": ["fr_pud-ud-test.conllu"]
  { "id": "UD_Chinese-PUD",
    "directory": "_build",
    "files": ["zh_pud-ud-test.conllu"]
  } ]

The command:

grew grep -request dislocated.req -i en_fr_zh.json

produces the following JSON output:


With clustering

In both Mono and Multi modes, if the command line additionally contains one or more arguments (-key … or -whether …), the set of occurrences is clustered recursively according to the given clustering items.

See the Clustering documentation page for details of the various clustering items available.


With the same files as in the without clustering example above.

With -key, we can cluster the results according to the upos of the node Y (the dependent).

grew grep -request dislocated.req -key Y.upos -i fr_pud-ud-test.conllu
  "VERB": [
      "sent_id": "n01121051",
      "matching": {
        "nodes": { "Y": "11", "X": "2" },
        "edges": {
          "e": { "source": "2", "label": "dislocated", "target": "11" }
  "PRON": [
      "sent_id": "n01001011",
      "matching": {
        "nodes": { "Y": "20", "X": "29" },
        "edges": {
          "e": { "source": "29", "label": "dislocated", "target": "20" }
  "ADJ": [
      "sent_id": "n01086031",
      "matching": {
        "nodes": { "Y": "5", "X": "1" },
        "edges": {
          "e": { "source": "1", "label": "dislocated", "target": "5" }

With -whether, we can cluster the results according to the fact that the relation is left-headed. We see that in two cases, the governor X is before Y.

grew grep -request dislocated.req -whether "X << Y" -i fr_pud-ud-test.conllu
  "Yes": [
      "sent_id": "n01001011",
      "matching": {
        "nodes": { "Y": "20", "X": "29" },
        "edges": {
          "e": { "source": "29", "label": "dislocated", "target": "20" }
  "No": [
      "sent_id": "n01121051",
      "matching": {
        "nodes": { "Y": "11", "X": "2" },
        "edges": {
          "e": { "source": "2", "label": "dislocated", "target": "11" }
      "sent_id": "n01086031",
      "matching": {
        "nodes": { "Y": "5", "X": "1" },
        "edges": {
          "e": { "source": "1", "label": "dislocated", "target": "5" }

Finally, several clusterings can be applied one after the other. For example

grew grep -request dislocated.req -key Y.upos -whether "X << Y" -i fr_pud-ud-test.conllu
  "VERB": {
    "No": [
        "sent_id": "n01121051",
        "matching": {
          "nodes": { "Y": "11", "X": "2" },
          "edges": {
            "e": { "source": "2", "label": "dislocated", "target": "11" }
  "PRON": {
    "Yes": [
        "sent_id": "n01001011",
        "matching": {
          "nodes": { "Y": "20", "X": "29" },
          "edges": {
            "e": { "source": "29", "label": "dislocated", "target": "20" }
  "ADJ": {
    "No": [
        "sent_id": "n01086031",
        "matching": {
          "nodes": { "Y": "5", "X": "1" },
          "edges": {
            "e": { "source": "1", "label": "dislocated", "target": "5" }



This mode computes corpus statistics based on Grew-match style requests.

The input data are:

By default, it returns a JSON describing several embedded dictionaries, counting in each corpus, each request clustered according to clustering items.

If the output dimension is 2, the statistics can be printed as a TSV table. This is the case for:

The optional -config parameter (see here) can also be used.

TODO: The set of corpora is described in a JSON file and must be compiled before running grew count.

Example with Multi mode, several requests and no clustering

Each request is described in a separate file. With the two following 1-line files:

and the Multi mode file en_fr_zh.json 🔗

{ "corpora": [
  { "id": "UD_English-PUD",
    "directory": "_build",
    "files": ["en_pud-ud-test.conllu"]
  { "id": "UD_French-PUD",
    "directory": "_build",
    "files": ["fr_pud-ud-test.conllu"]
  { "id": "UD_Chinese-PUD",
    "directory": "_build",
    "files": ["zh_pud-ud-test.conllu"]
  } ]

After compiling the corpora: grew compile -i en_fr_zh.json

The command grew count -request ADJ_NOUN_pre.req -request ADJ_NOUN_post.req -i en_fr_zh.json outputs the JSON data:

{ "ADJ_NOUN_pre.req": 0, "ADJ_NOUN_post.req": 0 }

And, with -tsv option: grew count -request ADJ_NOUN_pre.req -request ADJ_NOUN_post.req -i en_fr_zh.json -tsv

ADJ_NOUN_post.req	0
ADJ_NOUN_pre.req	0

which corresponds to the table:

UD_English-PUD 1114 12
UD_French-PUD 423 935
UD_Chinese-PUD 364 0

We can then observe that in the annotations of the 3 corpora in use:

Example with Multi mode, one request and a key clustering of the output

Using the same data as in the previous example, the following command:

grew count -request ADJ_NOUN_pre.req -key N.Number -i en_fr_zh.json -tsv

produces the TSV file:


which corresponds to the table:

Corpus Plur Sing undefined
UD_English-PUD 392 722 0
UD_French-PUD 178 245 0
UD_Chinese-PUD 0 0 364

Example with Multi mode, one request and a whether clustering of the output

Using a whether clustering, with the request ADJ_NOUN.req 🔗

pattern { A[upos=ADJ]; N[upos=NOUN]; N -[amod]-> A; }

and the command: grew count -request ADJ_NOUN.req -whether "A << N" -i en_fr_zh.json -tsv

we obtain the TSV file:


which corresponds to the table:

Corpus No Yes
UD_English-PUD 12 1114
UD_French-PUD 935 423
UD_Chinese-PUD 0 364



For the Grew-match backend (grew_match_back) or for the grew count command, it is necessary to first compile corpora. For these two usages, sets of corpora are described in a JSON file.

For compilation, the command is:

grew compile -i <corpora.json>

Note that this creates a new file with the extension .marshal for each corpus, which is stored in the corpus directory. The .marshal file will only be computed if the corpus has changed since the last compilation.


The commands below removes the marshal files produced by the grew compile command for the set of corpora described in the JSON file corpora.json.

grew clean -i <corpora.json>


This section describes some command line arguments that are common to several commands.


The config value can be: ud, sud, sequoia or basic. The default value is ud.

This parameter changes how CoNNL-U and GRS files are interpreted. More specifically, it controls:

This parameter is used in the transform, grep and count modes.