grewpy package
grewpy.corpus module
Grew module : anything you want to talk about graphs
Graphs are represented either by a dict (called dict-graph),
or by an str (str-graph).
class grewpy.corpus.AbstractCorpus[source]
Bases: object
edge_diff(other, edge_criterion=<function AbstractCorpus.<lambda>>)[source]
given two corpora, outputs the number of common edges, only left ones and only right ones.
It also outputs precision, recall and f-measure.
edge_diff_up_to(other, edge_transform=<function AbstractCorpus.<lambda>>)[source]
class grewpy.corpus.Corpus(data)[source]
Bases: AbstractCorpus
apply(Grs, strat='main')[source]
clean the corpus (remove from the backend memory)
count(request, clustering_parameter=[], clustering_keys=[], flat=False)[source]
Count for [request] into [corpus_index]
:param request: a string request
:param corpus_index: an integer given by the [corpus] function
:return: the number of matching of [request] into the corpus
count_feature_values(include=None, exclude=['xpos', 'wordform', 'textform', 'SpaceAfter'])[source]
return a dict with feature names as key and subdict a value
for each feature name, the subdict maps existing feature values with the number of occurrences
if include is set as a list of string, only feature names in the list are taken into account
else exclude defines the list of feature names in the list whihc are not taken into account
return a graph corresponding to the sentence id sent_id
return a dictionary mapping sentence ids to graphs
return the id of the corpus
return the list of sentence ids
run(Grs, strat='main')[source]
search(request, clustering_parameter=[], clustering_keys=[], flat=None, deco=False, bound=None, timeout=None)[source]
Search for [request] into [corpus_index]
request (Request): a request
corpus_index: an integer given by the [corpus] function
list: the list of matching of [request] into the corpus
return a CoNLL string for the current corpus
class grewpy.corpus.CorpusDraft(data=None)[source]
Bases: AbstractCorpus
, dict
- the draft is composed of
self, a dict mapping sentence_id to graphs
self._sent_ids, a list that specifies the sentence order
Apply fun to all graphs, return the new Corpus
grewpy.graph module
Grew module: anything you want to talk about graphs
class grewpy.graph.Fs_edge(data)[source]
Bases: dict
sud style
static parse(s)[source]
convert a string into a dictionary to be used by the constructor.
2 cases:
s is a dict like string f=v,g=w…
s in a compact string, like “comp:aux@tense/m”
return GrewError on ill formed input like “f=v,x”
class grewpy.graph.Graph(data=None, **kwargs)[source]
Bases: object
a dict mapping node keys to feature structure
- with extra data:
an extra dict sucs mapping node keys to successors (pair of edge feature,node key)
the list order containing nodes linearly ordered
and the `meta`(data) as a dict
- Param data: either
None: return an empty graph
a json formatted string
a file name containing a json/conll
a Graph: return a copy of the graph
or named arguments: features, sucs, meta and order
apply(Grs, strat='main')[source]
edge(n, m)[source]
given node n and m
return the “first” label of an edge between n and m if it exists
edge_diff(other, edge_criterion=<function Graph.<lambda>>) → array[source]
edge difference between two graphs
edge_diff_up_to(other, edge_transform=<function Graph.<lambda>>)[source]
edge_up_to(n, m, criterion)[source]
edges(n, m)[source]
given node n and m,
return the set of edges between n and m
edges_up_to(n, m, criterion)[source]
search for edges between n and m verifying some criterion
classmethod from_json(data_json)[source]
greater(n, s)[source]
return True if n > s in g
lower(n, m)[source]
given node n and m in g:
return True if n < m in g
run(Grs, strat='main')[source]
property sucs
successor relation
return a CoNLL string for the given graph
return a CoNLL string for the given graph
return a SVG code for the given graph
to_svg(deco=None, draw_root=False)[source]
return a SVG code for the given graph
return the list of edges presented as triples (n,e,s) with n-[e]-> s
grewpy.graph.sud_config = ('1', OrderedDict([('2', ':'), ('deep', '@'), ('type', '/')]))
grewpy.grew module
Grew module : anything you want to talk about graph rewriting systems
Graphs are represented by dictionaries (nodes, edges, meta informations)
GRS can be build via files, explicit constructions or even strings. See doc of GREW
exception grewpy.grew.GrewError(message)[source]
Bases: Exception
A wrapper for grew-related errors
Change the configuration used in the next exchanges
See for details about config
grewpy.grs module
class grewpy.grs.Add_edge(X, e, Y)[source]
Bases: Command
return a clause list for a safe request
class grewpy.grs.Command(s)[source]
Bases: object
return a clause list for a safe request
class grewpy.grs.Commands(*L)[source]
Bases: list
classmethod from_json(json_data)[source]
class grewpy.grs.Delete_edge(X, e, Y)[source]
Bases: Command
return a clause list for a safe request
class grewpy.grs.Delete_feature(X, f)[source]
Bases: Command
class grewpy.grs.GRS(args)[source]
Bases: object
An abstract GRS. Offers the possibility to apply rewriting.
The object is abstract and cannot be changed.
For that, use a GRSDraft
UD2bUD = <grewpy.grs.GRS object>
apply(data, strat='main', abstract=True)[source]
run a Grs on a graph or corpus
:param grs_data: a graph rewriting system or a Grew string representation of a grs
:param G: the graph, either a str (in grew format) or a dict
:param strat: the strategy (by default “main”)
:return: the rewritten graph and an error if there is not exaclty one output graph
run(data, strat='main')[source]
run a Grs on a graph
:param data: a graph or an AbstractCorpus
:param strat: the strategy (by default “main”)
:return: a dictionary mapping sid to the list of rewritten graphs
class grewpy.grs.GRSDraft(args=None)[source]
Bases: Package
A GRSDraft is a structure that gives access to the internals of a
Graph Rewriting System: packages, rules, patterns, strategies, etc
It cannot be used to perform rewriting, for that, use a GRS
create a new grs with application of safe to each rule.
self.rules() are supposed to contain only Commands of length 1 that support safe method
class grewpy.grs.Package[source]
Bases: dict
dict mapping names to rule/package/strategies
classmethod from_json(json_data)[source]
class grewpy.grs.Request(*L)[source]
Bases: object
lists of ClauseList
Append a new RequestItem to the Request
L is given either as a pair (s,t) with “s in {‘pattern’,’without’,’meta’} and t : str
or L[0] is a RequestItem
classmethod from_json(json_data)[source]
classmethod parse(string_request)[source]
static parse_request(s: str) → List[Tuple[str, str]][source]
class grewpy.grs.RequestItem(sort: str, *L)[source]
Bases: object
classmethod from_json(json_data: Any)[source]
class grewpy.grs.Rule(request: Request, cmd_list: Commands, lexicons=None)[source]
Bases: object
classmethod from_json(json_data)[source]
Module contents
Grew python library
All you need to use grew
See grew online documentation for global informations