Source code for grewpy.corpus

Grew module : anything you want to talk about graphs
Graphs are represented either by a dict (called dict-graph),
or by an str (str-graph).
import os.path
import glob

import sys
import tempfile
import json
import typing
import numpy as np

from .network import send_and_receive
from .graph import Graph
from .grew import GrewError
from .observation import Observation

from . import network

from .matchings import Matchings

[docs]class AbstractCorpus():
[docs] def edge_diff(self, other, edge_criterion=lambda e: True): """ given two corpora, outputs the number of common edges, only left ones and only right ones. It also outputs precision, recall and f-measure. """ (common, left, right) = np.sum( [self[sid].edge_diff(other[sid],edge_criterion) for sid in self], axis=0) precision = common / (common + left+1e-10) recall = common / (common + right+1e-10) f_measure = 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall+1e-10) return { "common": common, "left": left, "right": right, "precision": round(precision, 3), "recall": round(recall, 3), "f_measure": round(f_measure, 3), }
[docs] def edge_diff_up_to(self, other, edge_transform=lambda e: e): (common, left, right) = np.sum( [self[sid].edge_diff_up_to(other[sid], edge_transform) for sid in self], axis=0) precision = common / (common + left) recall = common / (common + right) f_measure = 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall) return { "common": common, "left": left, "right": right, "precision": round(precision, 3), "recall": round(recall, 3), "f_measure": round(f_measure, 3), }
[docs]class CorpusDraft(AbstractCorpus,dict): """ the draft is composed of - self, a dict mapping sentence_id to graphs - self._sent_ids, a list that specifies the sentence order """ def __init__(self,data=None): """Load a corpus from a file of a string :param data: a file, a list of files or a CoNLL string representation of a corpus :return: an integer index for latter reference to the corpus :raise an error if the files was not correctly loaded """ if isinstance(data, CorpusDraft): T = {sid: Graph(data[sid]) for sid in data} super().__init__(T) elif isinstance(data, dict): super().__init__(data) elif data == None: super().__init__() else: acorpus = data if isinstance(data, Corpus) else Corpus(data) self._sent_ids = acorpus.get_sent_ids() #specifies the sentences order super().__init__(acorpus.get_all()) def __getitem__(self, data): """ Search for [data] in previously loaded corpus :param data: a sent_id (type string) or a position (type int) :param corpus_index: an integer given by the [corpus] function :return: a graph """ if isinstance(data, str): return super().__getitem__(data) if isinstance(data, int): return self[self._sent_ids[data]] if isinstance(data, slice): return [self[sid] for sid in self._sent_ids[data]]
[docs] def apply(self, fun): """ Apply fun to all graphs, return the new Corpus """ return CorpusDraft({sid : fun(self[sid]) for sid in self})
[docs] def to_conll(self): return Corpus(self).to_conll()
[docs]class Corpus(AbstractCorpus): def __init__(self, data): """An abstract corpus :param data: a file, a list of files or a CoNLL string representation of a corpus :return: an integer index for latter reference to the corpus :raise an error if the files was not correctly loaded """ if isinstance(data, list): if data and isinstance(data[0], Graph): graphs = {f'{i}' : data[i].json_data() for i in range(len(data))} req = {"command": "corpus_from_dict", "graphs": graphs} else: #supposed to be a list of files req = {"command": "corpus_load", "files": data} reply = network.send_and_receive(req) elif isinstance(data, dict): req = {"command": "corpus_from_dict", "graphs": { sent_id: graph.json_data() for (sent_id, graph) in data.items()}} reply = network.send_and_receive(req) elif os.path.isdir(data): # load of connlu files of the directory file_list = glob.glob(f"{data}/*.conllu") + glob.glob(f"{data}/*.conll") + glob.glob(f"{data}/*.cupt") req = {"command": "corpus_load", "files": file_list} reply = network.send_and_receive(req) elif os.path.isfile(data): req = {"command": "corpus_load", "files": [data]} reply = network.send_and_receive(req) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=True, suffix=".conll") as f: f.write(data) f.flush() # to be read by others req = {"command": "corpus_load", "files": []} try: reply = network.send_and_receive(req) except GrewError: raise GrewError(data) self._length = reply["length"] self._id = reply["index"]
[docs] def get_sent_ids(self): """ return the list of sentence ids """ req = {"command": "corpus_sent_ids", "corpus_index": self._id} return network.send_and_receive(req)
[docs] def get_id(self): """ return the id of the corpus """ return self._id
[docs] def clean(self): """ clean the corpus (remove from the backend memory) """ req = {"command": "corpus_clean", "corpus_index": self._id} return network.send_and_receive(req)
[docs] def get(self, sent_id): """ return a graph corresponding to the sentence id sent_id """ req = {"command": "corpus_get", "corpus_index": self._id, "sent_id": sent_id} return (Graph.from_json(network.send_and_receive(req)))
def __getitem__(self, data): """ return a graph corresponding to data, either - a sentence id, - an index in the sentence id array - a slice """ if isinstance(data, str): return self.get(data) if isinstance(data, int): sids = self.get_sent_ids() return self.get(sids[data]) if isinstance(data, slice): sids = self.get_sent_ids() return [self[sid] for sid in sids[data]]
[docs] def get_all(self): """ return a dictionary mapping sentence ids to graphs """ dico = network.send_and_receive({"command": "corpus_get_all", "corpus_index": self._id}) return {sid: Graph.from_json(json_data) for (sid,json_data) in dico.items() }
[docs] def search(self, request, clustering_parameter=[], clustering_keys=[], flat=None, deco=False, bound=None, timeout=None): """ Search for [request] into [corpus_index] Parameters: request (Request): a request corpus_index: an integer given by the [corpus] function Returns: list: the list of matching of [request] into the corpus """ res = network.send_and_receive({ "command": "corpus_search", "corpus_index": self._id, "request": request.json_data(), "clustering_keys": clustering_parameter + clustering_keys, "build_deco": deco, "bound": bound, "timeout": timeout, }) if flat == "matchings": return Matchings(res, self) elif flat == "observations" and clustering_parameter or clustering_keys: return Observation(res, clustering_parameter, clustering_keys) return res
[docs] def count(self, request, clustering_parameter=[], clustering_keys=[], flat=False): """ Count for [request] into [corpus_index] :param request: a string request :param corpus_index: an integer given by the [corpus] function :return: the number of matching of [request] into the corpus """ res = network.send_and_receive({ "command": "corpus_count", "corpus_index": self._id, "request": request.json_data(), "clustering_keys": clustering_parameter + clustering_keys, }) if not flat: return res if clustering_parameter or clustering_keys: return Observation(obs=res,parameter=clustering_parameter, keys=clustering_keys) return res
def __len__(self): return self._length def __iter__(self): return iter(self.get_sent_ids())
[docs] def to_conll(self): """ return a CoNLL string for the current corpus """ reply = network.send_and_receive({ "command": "corpus_to_conll", "corpus_index": self._id }) return reply
[docs] def run(self, Grs, strat="main"): return, strat)
[docs] def apply(self, Grs, strat="main"): return Grs.apply(self, strat)