Local installation of Grew-match

Grew-match is available online for various corpora (UD, SUD, Parseme, etc.). If you wish to use Grew-match on your own corpus, follow the instructions on this page for local installation.

If you encounter any issues, please report them here.

You may also consider using grew_match_quick, a Python script that automates the steps depscribed here.

Step 0: Prerequisites

Follow the Grew installation instructions (steps 1 and 2), in order to install and set up Ocaml & Opam.

Install the required Ocaml libraries:

opam install dream
opam remote add grew "https://opam.grew.fr"
opam install dep2pictlib grew

Step 1: Create a New Directory

Create a new directory for all necessary files and data. Set the environment variable GREW_MATCH_DIR to this new folder. For assistance with environment variables in Linux/Unix, refer to this guide.

mkdir -p $GREW_MATCH_DIR

Step 2: Install Data and Corpusbank

For this example, we will install three treebanks in $GREW_MATCH_DIR/data :

mkdir $GREW_MATCH_DIR/data
git clone https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_Arabic-PUD.git
git clone https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_French-PUD.git
git clone https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_Spanish-PUD.git

Configuring the corpusbank

The set of corpora to be served is described in a folder called corpusbank, which contains JSON files.

mkdir $GREW_MATCH_DIR/corpusbank

In this new folder, create the JSON file pud.json with the following content:

    "id": "UD_Arabic-PUD",
    "config": "ud",
    "lang": "ar",
    "rtl": true,
    "directory": "${GREW_MATCH_DIR}/data/UD_Arabic-PUD"
    "id": "UD_French-PUD",
    "config": "ud",
    "lang": "fr",
    "directory": "${GREW_MATCH_DIR}/data/UD_French-PUD"
    "id": "UD_Spanish-PUD",
    "config": "ud",
    "lang": "es",
    "directory": "${GREW_MATCH_DIR}/data/UD_Spanish-PUD"

Compiling the corpora

Run the following command to compile all the corpora defined in the corpusbank. This should be executed before the first use and each time a corpus is modified.

grew compile -CORPUSBANK $GREW_MATCH_DIR/corpusbank

Step 3: Install and Configure the Backend

Download the backend code:

git clone https://github.com/grew-nlp/grew_match_dream.git

Configuring grew_match_dream

In the grew_match_dream folder ($GREW_MATCH_DIR/grew_match_dream), the file config.json contains the description below:

	"port": 4758,
	"prefix": "grew_match",
	"corpusbank": "${GREW_MATCH_DIR}/corpusbank",
	"log": "${GREW_MATCH_DIR}/grew_match_dream/log",
	"storage": "${GREW_MATCH_DIR}/grew_match_dream/static"

If you have followed preceding instructions, no modification is needed. You can change the port number (4758) to another value, but ensure it matches the one defined in the instances.json file below.

Step 4: Starting the backend

Run the following command in the background (or in a separate terminal) to keep the backend available during use:

dune exec grew_match_dream config.json

Step 5: Install and Configure the Frontend Webpage

Download the Frontend Code

The code for the main Grew-match website itself is available at gitlab.inria.fr/grew/grew_match:

git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/grew/grew_match.git

Update the Frontend Code

To update the frontend code to the latest version, run:

cd $GREW_MATCH_DIR/grew_match
git pull

Configure grew_match

In the grew-match folder ($GREW_MATCH_DIR/grew_match), create a configuration file by running:

cp instance_template.json instance.json

The instance.json file will contain the following code, which you can update as needed:

	"backend": "http://localhost:4758/",
	"desc": [
			"id": "PUD",
			"mode": "syntax",
			"style": "dropdown",
			"corpora": [

Step 5: Start an http server

To start a web server using Python 3, run the following commands:

cd $GREW_MATCH_DIR/grew_match
python -m http.server

⚠️ the last command should be kept running while using Grew-match. You may run it in the background or in a separate terminal.

You can verify that the Grew-match interface is accessible at http://localhost:8000.

The default PORT is 8000, you can change it to another value (e.g., 12345) with the command python -m http.server 12345. In this case, access the interface at http://localhost:12345.

Step 6: Grew-match is ready!

Congratulations! You can now run requests on your corpora at the URL http://localhost:8000. Here are a couple of example queries:

Note: Once everything is configured as explained above, you should run the two commands in the background to restart Grew-match:

Going further

After a corpus update

Note: There is no need to restart the Python http server for the frontend.

Web interface configuration

If you have a long list of corpora and prefer to display them in a left pane (similar to UD treebanks), modify the instance.json file by changing the line: "style": "dropdown", to "style": "left_pane",.

More complex examples

For larger examples of corpusbank definition: see https://github.com/grew-nlp/corpusbank.