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Transformation of single-headed structure into a chained structure

ℹ️ You can download files used in this page: rules.grs, SH6.conll

There are two basic ways to represent flat structures:

  1. a single-headed structure: for instance the graph SH6 below on the left for a 6 words flat structure
  2. a chained structure: for instance the graph C6 below on the right for the same 6 words flat structure
SH6 C6
SH6 alt C6

We will see how to convert from one to the other with Graph Rewriting.

From single-headed to chained

Of course, this will be a iterative process able to deal with an arbitrary number of items. The simplest rule we can think of is:

rule sh2c_1 {
  pattern {
    H -[fixed]-> N1;
    e:H -[fixed]-> N2;
  commands {
    del_edge e;
    add_edge N1 -[fixed]-> N2;

This rule searches for two nodes N1 and N2 with the same head H through the fixed relation. But this rule applied iteratively on GH6:

grew transform -grs rules.grs -strat "Iter (sh2c_1)" -i SH6.conll -o C6_120.conll

Output 120 normal forms! Here is one of them:


Our rule is not strict enough. We have to put more restriction in the request part. If we require that N1 and N2 are two consecutive words, the rule is:

rule sh2c_2 {
  pattern {
    H -[fixed]-> N1;
    e:H -[fixed]-> N2;
    N1 < N2;
  commands {
    del_edge e;
    add_edge N1 -[fixed]-> N2;

grew transform -grs rules.grs -strat "Iter (sh2c_2)" -i SH6.conll -o C6_5.conll

Now, the command above produces 5 normal forms, one of which is:


The rule was first applied with on nodes w2 and w3. After that, the nodes w3 and w4 don’t have the same governor and the rule cannot be applied. The rule must be stricter. We want to impose that the rightmost nodes are chosen first. This can be done using a without clause: the rule must be applied to N1 and N2 only if there is no node N3 on the right of N2 with a fixed link from H to N3. In Grew, this is written:

rule sh2c {
  pattern {
    H -[fixed]-> N1;
    e:H -[fixed]-> N2;
    N1 < N2;
  without {
    H -[fixed]-> N3;
    N2 < N3;
  commands {
    del_edge e;
    add_edge N1 -[fixed]-> N2;

grew transform -grs rules.grs -strat "Iter (sh2c)" -i SH6.conll -o C6.conll

Finally, we get only the expected normal form:

alt C6

The last rule can be applied only on the nodes w5 and w6 of the graph SH6; in the next step, it can be applied only on the nodes w4 and w5; etc.

From chained to single-headed

In the other way, again we can solve our problem by iterating the application of a single rule:

rule c2sh {
  pattern {
    H -[fixed]-> N1;
    e: N1 -[fixed]-> N2;
  commands {
    del_edge e;
    add_edge H -[fixed]-> N2;

grew transform -grs rules.grs -strat "Iter (c2sh)" -i C6.conll -o SH6_auto.conll

The output is called SH6_auto.conll to avoid replacing the file SH6.conll given at the beginning. And SH6_auto.conll contains only one normal form which is equals to SH6. So it seems that the first try is the good one! Well, it’s not so simple, as often with Graph Rewriting!

The rewriting of C6 is tricky, let’s look at C4. It can be rewritten to 6 different graphs:


C4 C4
G1 G1
G2 G2
G3 G3
G4 G4

And all graphs are computed by the previous command before producing the normal form. There are (n-1)! such graphs for Cn.

So, what can we do to avoid this huge and useless computation?

Solution 1: compute only one normal form

The rule c2sh is called a confluent rule. This means that they will always be exactly one normal form when the rule is iterated. If we know that the rule is confluent, we can ask Grew to compute only one normal form with the strategy Onf (c2sh):

grew transform -grs rules.grs -strat "Onf (c2sh)" -i C6.conll -o SH6_auto.conll

For instance, on G10, the Iter strategy takes 25s to compute the normal form and the Onf takes 4ms.

Solution 2: write a stricter rule

As before, we can add a without clause to force the application order of command:

rule c2sh_strict {
  pattern {
    H -[fixed]-> N1;
    e: N1 -[fixed]-> N2;
  without {
    * -[fixed]-> H;
  commands {
    del_edge e;
    add_edge H -[fixed]-> N2;

At each step, we ensure that the node H of the pattern is matched to the word head of the graph.